The Accuracy of this list is not guaranteed.  Make sure you contact suppliers for details.  Suppliers stop accepting orders when they are out of stock, so order early.  Pick-up dates tend to be quite strict, so pay close attention.  We have likely, and not intentionally, missed suppliers.  If anyone has additions or corrections, please let us know and we'll update the list. -contact@cobeekeeping.org

As with all purchases, "BUYER BEWARE" is wise advice. We suggest looking up reviews, as well as doing an internet search of the various ways in which beekeeping supplies and honey bee purchases can go wrong. If you have a question about the supplies, ask the supplier. Perhaps you can avoid frustration by learning from others.

Before You Buy Bees: A Word of Caution

Aspiring beekeepers often rush into purchasing their first colony without fully understanding the responsibilities and complexities involved. Here are some of the crucial steps you should take before acquiring bees:

  1. Gain Experience: If you’re new to beekeeping, consider gaining experience by volunteering at a local apiary or assisting an experienced beekeeper. Hands-on exposure will teach you valuable skills and help you understand the intricacies of hive management. Consider signing up for COAREC emails and joining them at the Teaching Apiary for a "Saturday in the Apiary", and our COBKA emails; we also have occasional hive inspections events that we email invitation to sign up for. 

  2. Educate Yourself: COBKA offers an annual beginner's class, and we encourage all beekeepers who are able to participate in the Oregon Master Beekeeping Program, as well as gather as much information as possible by whatever means work best for you - before introducing bees into your apiary. Learn the basics of hive maintenance and disease prevention. Your apiary's health is going to be greatly impacted by small decisions. 

  3. Find a Mentor: Seek out an experienced beekeeper who can guide you through the process. A mentor can provide personalized advice, answer your questions, and offer practical tips based on their own experiences. An accredited mentor is provided in the OMB program.

  4. Research Local Regulations: Beekeeping regulations vary by location. Before bringing bees home, familiarize yourself with any local ordinances, zoning rules, and permit requirements. Being informed will prevent legal issues down the road.

Bees are delicate creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. Buying bees without proper knowledge can lead to unintended harm—for both you and the bees. Please take the time to learn, connect with fellow beekeepers, and build a solid foundation before buying. 

Some interesting articles (no affiliation to COBKA):

How to Buy Bees for Your Hive - Carolina Honeybees
BUYERS BEWARE! The TRUTH about Buying Beekeeping Equipment | (thehivehoneyshop.co.uk)


Please Note: The suppliers listed below are not vetted and COBKA makes no statements of approval or recommendations of any of those listed. This list is offered as a basic resource. Please let us know if we are missing a supplier or if a link needs to be corrected. 

The Royal Bee - Central Oregon https://www.theroyalbee.net/

Emily Palmer 510-684-5665 (call/text or FB message) TheRoyalBeeUSA@gmail.com

Nucs in Spring. Bee supplies & equipment available for sale: Full hive set ups, frames, bottom boards & top covers etc. Hive checks & House calls.

Lazy Z Ranch - Sisters, OR https://www.lazyzranch.com/ 

John & Renee Herman 541-588-5299 hello@lazyzranch.com

Nucs in Spring, honey bee products, hive equipment, & mead!

Apricot Apiaries - Kimberly, OR https://apricotapiaries.com/

Matt Allen 541-934-9101  apricotapiaries@gmail.com

The Beekeepers Carpenter - Central Oregon          https://thebeekeeperscarpenter.com/

Vivien Hight 541-771-7278  thebeekeeperscarpenter@outlook.com

Produces woodenware for apiarists. Offering the "Valkyrie" long hives, Tree Hives, and eight- or ten-frame Bottom Boxes.

Broadus Bees - Central Oregon  https://www.broadusbees.com/

Jimmy Wilkie 541-480-9632  jimmy@broadusbees.com

Honey Bee Products, Hive Installations, & Help With Inspections and Maintenance of Hives. Nucs with Russian queens in the Spring

Stephen Harris - Central Oregon 

Stephen Harris 541-410-2067  Justbees456@gmail.com

2025 Nucs are $195.00 and can be ordered up until April 25th. The Nucs will be available for pickup the second week of May. Locally raised Nucs. Consulting services, honey bee removal, and onsite inspections.

Backyard Bees of BendBend, OR 

Kim 541-410-2666  backyardbeesofbend@yahoo.com

Local Honey supplier, Queen rearing, house calls, pollen patties, mite treatments, free phone consultations.

Are we missing a supplier link? 

Something needs to be corrected?

Please let us know! 

Other Central Oregon businesses who may have beekeeping supplies or events:

Coastal (Redmond)

Costco (Bend)

Earth's Art (Redmond)

Locavore (Bend)

Wilco (Bend / Redmond)


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