Looking to get another Nuke

  • 13 May 2018 10:58 AM
    Reply # 6152540 on 6141158

    Tyson, if your still interested in acquiring another nuc, please contact me at whalers@bendbroadband.com   I should have one available for you.


  • 10 May 2018 7:42 AM
    Reply # 6147049 on 6141158
    Allen Engle (Administrator)


    You're right, it is getting a bit late, but all isn't yet lost.  I'd recommend checking the local Suppliers list under Links, then supplier list.  A couple of the local ones might have some still available.


    Good luck,

    Allen Engle 

  • 07 May 2018 9:12 AM
    Message # 6141158
    Deleted user


    I have just recently decided I wanted to get another nuke to help increase my success rate through the winter but I know it’s a little late in the season so I was wondering if anyone knew of someone or someplace that still takes orders for nukes or bees in general. 

    Thanks, Tyson 


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