Are you interested in learning about bees and beekeeping?If you have little or no experience, the 'Getting Started with Bees' Certificate Program is a great place to start. It is a stand-alone program that satisfies the curiosity of those who want to know more about bee biology and backyard beekeeping through online learning and discussion forums. No waiting list - join at any time! Take your beekeeping to the next level!Are you interested in learning how to become a better beekeeper? Have you experienced problems in the past that you'd like to remedy? Do you want to help others learn about bees? The Oregon Master Beekeeper program is for you! Participating beekeepers gain experience at three successive levels: Apprentice, Journey, and Master. Each level provides opportunities and support for additional learning, practice in the field, and community service. All of our beekeeping programs represent a cooperative effort between the Oregon State University Honey Bee Lab and the Oregon State Beekeepers Association to contribute to both the health of honey bee colonies and the integrity of the practice of beekeeping. For more information, contact Heike Williams at heike.williams@oregonstate.edu Establishing pollinator-friendly habitats and food sources for bees, butterflies and birds https://pollinatorpathwaybend.org/Our website uses cookies. By continuing to visit this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn more. | March 2025(This month's apiary notes will be added asap)
Historically, around 40% annual losses had become the “norm,” but this season’s losses are even higher—potentially surpassing losses last seen during the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) era. Watch the full webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOCis4ZPfp8 PNW Beekeepers: Your input is needed! We’ll be sending this out as an email when the survey opens: https://pnwhoneybeesurvey.com/survey (Open March 16th to May 1st) PNW Honey Bee Survey We’re excited to welcome new beekeepers (and anyone needing a refresher) to our hands‐on, in‐person course. Whether you’re just starting your first hive or looking to fill in some knowledge gaps, this class is designed to set you up for success! COBKA 2025 Beginner Beekeeping Course - Registration Required Looking for Bees in 2025? If you’re newer to beekeeping (or just want a quick brush‐up), we’d love to see you at the Beginner Beekeeping Course! COBKA Notes - ArchivesCOBKA Meeting Slide/Video Archives